Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Things I'm Into: RIGHT NOW Edition

Apologies for the net-yelling. I wanted capitalizations, so deal with it.

Music: Blasts from the past:
The Get Up Kids (freshly reunited!)
The Descendents (RIP Frank Navetta)

Long forgotten webzines:
Suck dot com: I didnt make that a link because the site hasn't been around for years, and I didn't want to inadvertently trick anyone into clicking a porn link. I'm not sure that it is a porn link, but I'm at work and don't want to find out [edit: the site is still there! Thanks wikipedia!]. Anyways, Suck was a back-in-the-day internet site that I thought was funny in my 14.4 dialup netscape days. I was just telling Dawn how my mom was dissatisfied with me because I had a graphic from the site as my desktop on my OG computer. Anywho, it was a picture of 2 socks with a sign that said "Live Fast, Die Young." Needless to say, I don't think she (my mom) got it. "They're socks, mom!" I said. There was also a little blurb on the AV Club on how a bunch of their articles were made into a book. [Note: an (probably not) exhaustive google image search failed to retrieve said socks.]

Hating on the Weather:
Really? 94 degrees in the middle of November? Southern California, you're a dick. Just a I had decided to embrace  the whole "Christmas decorations start even more incredibly earlier" thing, it becomes July again. [Note: This was originally gonna be a "Music for Winter" post, but I need a few days of sub-70 degree weather to get back in the mood.]

Doris Kearns Goodwin: Team Of Rivals
The latest in my "bought-as-a-gift-for-my-stepdad-and-then-stolen-back" series. You: "Ooooh, such a topical reading choice!"


  1. Enjoy the California indefinite summer bitch!

    Huh, didn't even realize Get Ups were broke up...their last album wasn't THAT long ago was it? They still have a pretty strong catalog.

    I think I must have missed the Suck boat. I vaguely recall murmurs of it...but who can remember the '90s well?

  2. Luckily, it's cooled off to the typical Southern California mid-70's. Ahh, winter...
    RE: TGUK- yep, the broke up in like 04 (I think), and I went to their "Farewell" tour, which was fantastic. Apparently their gonna do a tour and a bunch of special stuff for the 10th anniversary of "Something To Write Home About," which is one of my fav records.
    Also: the 90's just might be our 60's. A blur, but with (possibly) less drugs. And the phrase "missed the Suck boat" is hilarious when taken out of context- nice!
