Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Blog That Was The Day That Was 11/4/08

By now everyone knows that Nov. 4th was kind of a big deal- but I always knew that. Here's my day- keeping it real on a sweet b-day.
Awaken! Way too early!

The most crucial ingredient to any successful day- Italian Roast.

Coffee and (homemade, of course) cornbread. Desayuno de loscampeones.

First jam of the day, as told by a horribly out-of-focus phone pic.

Kristin: Ahead of the game. Thanks.

Exercise is horrible.

Get fancy for the DMV (it did no good).

Directly after I took this picture, some DMV guy walked by and said "About 1 hour from right here," and pointed at me.

Ugh. My paperwork is piling up.

Fruits of labor.

Even bros vote around here.

The scene.

Civic duty: done.

Reward time: beastly present opening.

In the box- fuzzy destruction. My lady is the raddest.

[Note: There should be a picture here of Dawn and I dining at my favorite vegan restaurant , but I forgot to take one. We were getting the full hippie on.]

New shoes and the finest in punditry- Stewart/Colbert.

The rest of the audience: Dawn, Oliver, and Danielle.

Finally on the winning team.

We weren't sure, so we had to check with these evil bastards (that's Karl Rove's fat ass attempting to hold back tears).

Celebrating patriotism like a Frenchman.

A fantastic end to a mostly fantastic day. Cheesecake!

Aaaaaaand that's pretty much it. Sorry for the terrible formatting (thanks Blogger!) and the terrible pictures (thanks Lack of Skill!).


  1. I award you props for your largest blog ever!
    Also...hmmm. Yeahh.

    Did you get a new license on your birthday for kicks or was there some particular reason?

  2. I'm not that masochistic. I did have to renew my licsense, so I decided to get a new pic taken on the off chance that it was an improvement over the old one. I was wrong.
