Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Things That Will Fuck Up, Could Fuck Up and Are Fucking Up Other Things, Not Limited To Myself or Society In General.

Item 1: Republicans
Please Democratic Party, resist the urge to fuck this one up. You have it so easy. I wouldn't put it past you though, and I'm gonna be stressed out at least until November.
[On a related note- guess what I want for my birthday? Hint: it's on November 4th- which could potentially make it my best or worst birthday ever. And that's coming from someone who was born the day Regan was elected.]
Item 2: Style (debatable) Over Substance
The dude from Thursday wrote an interesting article about political activism in music. It's on the Headbanger's Ball website (haaaaaaaaaa!), and it's not the best written article on the subect I've ever read, but it's still pretty good. I often (read: constantly) wonder the same thing. I have also resigned myself to the fact that if the Bush Administration can't bring FUGAZI back together for a protest show or two (or hundred), nothing will.
Item 3: Mogwai Vs. My Ears
I'm worried, because I lost my earplugs. I accidentally threw them out when we moved- they were in an Altoids box (to keep them minty fresh, naturally), that I thought was empty (they're very light, naturally). We're (Dawn, Chase, & myself) going to see our favorite Scottish Post-Rock Mostly-Instrumental Genius Titans tonight and I fear my ears are doomed. Work tomorrow may just be a days of ringing ears and "What?" Sacrifices, kids, sacrifices.

1 comment:

  1. i've never simultaneously agreed on three subjects with anyone in my entire life.
