Thursday, April 10, 2008

Super Lame, dude.

-I hate Superman. This pretty much sums up why.

-Lots of new records lately, mostly new releases. 2008 is shaping up pretty well. Here is the shit I've spent too much money on lately:
-The Raconteurs: Consolers of the Lonely. It's definitely different than the Abbey Road + Led Zeppelin III glory of their first record, but, then again, the Beatles and Zeppelin aren't my only favorite bands (just the top 2), and The Raconteurs are certainly my favorite rock and roll band currently in business (I think, but odds are good I'll edit that later). Not better or worse (weeeeeell, maybe slightly not-as-awesome) as Broken Boy Soldiers.
-The Sword: Gods of the Earth. Certainly not as good as their first record. A good listen though. Dudes have been listening to Blood Mountain (awesome, btw) a lot and it shows. Could be worse though. They could've had Dragonforce in their cd players while writing the record. Thank god(s) they didn't.
-Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds: Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!! FUCK YOU,, FUCK YOU. This is why I never preorder shit. The record I was most excited for this year, and it's at least 3 days late getting to me. It's one of the best Nick Cave records though, which, admittedly, is like saying one lung is better than the other. (Note: the only dvd I've ever preordered, There Will Be Blood, arrived before it's street date, but it's not like I can listen to that to and from work. Well, maybe it is...)
-Jonny Greenwood: There Will Be Blood ST. My obsession with the movie trumps my hatred for the "World's Most Revolutionary Band!" (or whatever Pitchfork and the general public [that is, the ones that "totally know good music"] is heralding them as these days). Plus, I harbor a secret desire to score films.
-Wire: Chairs Missing. You may have heard, I love Wire. Their remasters are the best in the business.
-The Vaselines: The Way of The Vaselines. Along with The Wipers records, something I've been meaning to pick up since, I don't know... 9th grade? Rationale: Kurt Cobain championed them.
Recounting a conversation between my 2 (also Nirvana-obsessed) best friends at the time:
Josh: "Hey Jeremy, I've got The Vaselines at my house!"
-The Evens: Get Evens. Rationale: I'm an Ian McKaye acolyte. Dare I say, though, I don't like it. I liked the first one, but this one seems like bad, political, pretentious hippie music, which is understandable.

[I spent all this time formatting this post, and blogger killed all my work. Fucked.]

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