Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Norton 360 Is A Horrible Peice Of Shit

It wont let me post in response to topics on here (but I guess that's what I get for blogging from work). So this is in reference to the post below:

@Andy: I read that too, but I also read today that they we setting up a meeting, so I guess we'll see what happens. And thanks for the vote of confidence, but I doubt increase readership would have any effect on my laziness.
@Time Magazine (who I didn't attribute that quote to): Sorry, but shouldn't it be "disproven?"

1 comment:

  1. Most Norton/Symantec/etc. products are crap.

    They especially excel in buying out a company that makes a good product, then never, ever putting out a new version of that product.

    IE "Lets spend our money to literally kill a competitor."

