Friday, May 30, 2008

Ben Gibbard is the Mazda Miata of songwriting.

People who are into him think he's totally capable of taking on other sports cars- but he's really just underpowered and hopelessly cheesy. I'd just call him a pussy, but I'm no misogynist.
Not that I hate Death Cab- Transatlantacism is a super good record. The band itself is capable, and Chris Walla is mighty talented as a guitarist/instrumentalist/producer. But fuck- a song about glove compartments? Yes, I know it's a "metaphor," but it's still insulting to my intelligence.
Oh wait, it heart-on-the-sleeve songwriting.

I call bullshit.
"I will possess your heart?" Seriously? Come on dudes.

Moral of the story- I would punch the Gibster in the balls if he had any (but again, not a misogynist).

1 comment:

  1. Yeah that stalker song is pretty annoying without being crap isn't it?

    And yes, Trans was good. I'm not really a fan of anything else they've done.
